Special comment New breakthrough of Chinese opera going to sea

the Chinese opera "going to sea"is nothing now. but some changes have taken olace in the past two vears: Athough anclent costume dramas such as "twelve hours of Chanaan".*Youfel"and "Celebrating more than a vear"are still the"leaders"noing to sea, with dramas such as"thirty only""secret corner" and "stent truth going overseas and attracting attention domestic urbanand suspense dramas have gradually gained a place abroad; in the past two years, the main mefodies such as mountain and sea siteation. the awakening era and Derana ahe 2 have oone to sea stronaly: Fecently, the popufar drama "the world" also announced the news broadcast on overseas platformsWith more and more numbers and types

Special comment New breakthrough of Chinese opera going to sea

the Chinese opera "going to sea"is nothing now. but some changes have taken olace in the past two vears: Athough anclent costume dramas such as "twelve hours of Chanaan".*Youfel"and "Celebrating more than a vear"are still the"leaders"noing to sea, with dramas such as"thirty only""secret corner" and "stent truth going overseas and attracting attention domestic urbanand suspense dramas have gradually gained a place abroad; in the past two years, the main mefodies such as mountain and sea siteation. the awakening era and Derana ahe 2 have oone to sea stronaly: Fecently, the popufar drama "the world" also announced the news broadcast on overseas platformsWith more and more numbers and types

Special comment New breakthrough of Chinese opera going to sea

the Chinese opera "going to sea"is nothing now. but some changes have taken olace in the past two vears: Athough anclent costume dramas such as "twelve hours of Chanaan".*Youfel"and "Celebrating

Special comment New breakthrough of Chinese opera going to sea

the Chinese opera "going to sea"is nothing now. but some changes have taken olace in the past two vears: Athough anclent costume dramas such as "twelve hours of Chanaan".*Youfel"and "Celebrating